
No one knows the construction market like those that live and breathe it. While that may not be your chosen occupation, the path you chose placed you in charge of making decisions that go far beyond whether a project gets built or not. There will never be a time that CCT advises to shortcut a system, underpay workers, skirt city regulations, etc. When you require real perspective from a high level, let us help you. If we can’t give you what you’re looking for, our network has someone who can.

All industries have issues. The construction industry is no exception. It is plagued with loopholes and workarounds. Policy makers and state agencies work together to combat the unethical practices that happen every day. It’s too much for one person or one staff to maintain. The CCT has a huge network of eyes that have been trained to watch for unethical practices and bring them to light. Let us be an extension of the value you bring your communities and enlist us to keep you up to date on what’s OK and what’s not. Your job is to lead, ours is to support you.
Business Ethics

Policy makers have an incredible amount on their plate. Often, they are required to make decisions that will have an immense impact on their constituents, communities, and economies under their care. CCT realizes that policy makers cannot be experts in all fields, having specialists to ensure that you have the necessary information matters. Your connection with CCT will always provide you with reliable information. Lean on us and let our team do the heavy lifting to provide you with industry perspective.

It goes without saying that any decision maker in today’s world has to have allies that can support and promote them. The CCT has a support team at all levels that have put their considerable respect behind issues that are important to working people. CCT promotes legislation that drives opportunity for our Carpenters and Contractors. We assist policy and decision makers by providing the accurate information to help them make informed decisions.