Our new and improved website (www.cctmarketing.org) contains up-to-date information geared toward our partners on how to achieve industry goals and help increase market share.
Here’s what you’ll find:
News: Relevant and timely information that is critical in the construction industry, especially for developers, contractors, policymakers, and carpenters. Our partners can easily and quickly learn about issues affecting them and our industry.
Videos: It’s the first lesson in sharing a message: “show-don’t tell.” Our videos achieve that goal by conveying the idea with clarity, understanding, and vitality in a dramatic yet concrete manner.
Specialty Trades: Learn about the pathways a carpenter can take in the carpentry trade. This section explores the diverse options for those searching for a successful career.
Resources: Expertise and knowledge are crucial to becoming an industry expert. Our resource section provides you with relevant information that helps to position our partners as leaders in their respective industry niches.
A website should promote its mission, connect interested parties, serve as a valuable resource, and convey information clearly, accurately and efficiently. We believe these changes have achieved these goals.